Efficiency and Accuracy of Importing HEC-RAS Datafiles into PCSWMM and SWMM5

There are several factors influencing the comparability of results generated in HEC-RAS to those computed using other hydraulic software programs using HEC-RAS imported data.
HEC RAS computed energy gains and losses resulting from conveyance structures are calculated differently than they are in other modelling software so it is important to best represent culverts and bridges as well as their hydraulic parameters when using imported HEC-RAS data. These structures and parameters include high chords, bank stations, Manning’s coefficients and channel transects.
A methology of bridge and culvert representation, node placement and culvert placement has been developed for the use of importing HEC-RAS bridge cross sections in PCSWMM.
This paper discusses the methodology of HEC-RAS model representation in PCSWMM/SWMM5.
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