Using the PCSWMM 2010 SRTC Tool to Design a Compost Biofilter for Highway Stormwater Runoff Treatment

Highway stormwater runoff adversely affects the water quality of receiving lakes and rivers. Pollutants that build up on roads and other impervious surfaces are harmful to aquatic life and surrounding ecosystems (Makepeace, 1995; Wiland and Malina, 1976; Pitt, 2003). Woody compost or overs has been found to be effective in removing highway pollutants, including sus-pended solids, heavy metals and petroleum hydrocarbons. Overs has also been found to be effective as a filtration medium when assembled inside a mesh casing to form a compost biofilter. However, it is important that the biofilter is sized properly to avoid overtopping during large storm events. This chapter discusses the application of the new sensitivity based radio tun-ing calibration (SRTC) tool in PCSWMM 2010 for the design of a compost biofilter for highway stormwater runoff treatment.
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