High-Rate Stormwater Treatment with Up-Flow Filtration

The objective of this research is to examine the removal capacities of a high-rate stormwater filtration device, in part developed by engineers at the University of Alabama through a small business innovative re-search grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The Up-Flo Filter is an efficient high-rate stormwater filtration technology de-signed for the removal of trash, sediments, nutrients, metals and hydrocarbons from stormwater runoff. Compared with traditional downflow filtration treatment, upflow filtration can minimize clogging problems while providing a high rate of flow. The Up-Flo filter was de-veloped to remove a broad range of stormwater pollutants, especially those associated with particulates. The high flow rate capacities of the Up-Flo filter are accomplished through controlled fluidization of the filtration media, while still capturing very small particulates, that is lo-cated in a flexible, but constraining, media container. The Up-Flo filter also drains down between rain events which minimizes anaerobic con-ditions in the media and which also partially flushes captured particulates from the media to the storage sump, decreasing clogging and increasing run times between maintenance. Gross floatables are captured through the use of an angled screen before the media and a hood on the overflow siphon, while the sump captures bed load par-ticulates.
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