Using Decision Analyses to Select an Urban Runoff Control Program
Decision analysis techniques may be used as an important guide in selecting an urban runoff control program. Decision analysis is a systematic procedure that enables one to study the trade-offs among multiple and usually conflicting program objectives. An alternative procedure is to separately determine the programs necessary to meet each objective and to use the least costly program that satisfies all the identified critical objectives. This is an acceptable procedure some of the time, but it may not result in the most cost-effective program, especially when multiple objectives need to be considered. Decision analysis considers the partial fulfillment of all the objectives. It translates these into their relative worth to the decision-maker or other interested parties. This chapter describes the types of output information calculated by WinSLAMM, the Source Loading and Management Model, and how it can be used in decision analysis procedures of varying complexities. Prior descriptions of WinSLAMM have been presented in this conference series and in other publications (Pitt 1986; 1997; 1999; Pitt and Voorhees 2002 for example). The model web site also contains further model descriptions and references (
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