GISRed 1.0, a GIS-based Tool for Water Distribution Models for Master Plans
GISRed is a customized extension to ArcView® GIS3.2, oriented to modeling and calibration of water distribution networks, and which integrates all capabilities of the widely-used hydraulic modeling software EPANET 2.0. It basically includes a large set of hydraulic modeling tools, connections to the EPANET solver, and a hydraulic calibration module based on genetic algorithms.
Additionally, more advanced modules to carry out complex tasks such as topological analysis, demand allocation and elevation interpolation tools, have been developed to enhance the features offered by the EPANET 2.0 interface and the inner capabilities of the supporting GIS platform.
One of the most useful issues GISRed can help with, is in master planning. GISRed can simultaneously manage topological and structured data concerning the network elements and its properties, shape files containing auxiliary information and background layers. Information from the shape files and background can be imported to become part of the network; and, on the other hand, network information such as data or results can be queried to create new layers which can be symbolized to produce meaningful maps. In addition, results can be post-treated to create new information by using the spatial and geo-processing tools of the GIS platform. Finally GISRed can manage diverse scenarios in the same session to allow contrasting different results. This chapter focuses on the general procedure to be followed in order to develop a master plan based upon the authors’ experience using the GISRed Extension.
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