Modeling as a Tool for Economic Analysis of Basement Flood Relief Projects
The City of Winnipeg, with a population of 630,000, is centrally located in the southern part of the Province of Manitoba, Canada. Combined sewer systems service approximately 50% of the City of Winnipeg. These systems were installed from the early 1900s up until 1960 and primarily service the older core areas of the City. The original designs reflected the site conditions at the time; however, changes in land use and new development have resulted in dramatic increases in the volume and rate of stormwater runoff. The increased stormwater results in frequent sewer surcharge and backup into basements with associated property damages.
The City of Winnipeg has been carrying out an extensive basement flood relief program since 1977. The program is designed to upgrade basement flood protection to a minimum five-year level. The development and prioritization of proposed relief works is dependent on a comparison of the benefits of installing relief works to the implementation costs. SWMM modelling is used extensively in the program to develop relief options and to provide data for the economic analysis.
This chapter details the full development of a basement flood relief plan for the Dumoulin Combined Sewer District in the City of Winnipeg. It includes descriptions of model development, calibration and verification, assessment of existing levels of basement flood protection and relief alternatives to upgrade the combined sewer system, and the economic analysis of proposed relief works.
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