Quantifying the Stormwater Pollutant Reduction Benefits of Traditional Public Works Maintenance Practices
A management study for the Bell Branch and Tarabusi Creek Subwatershed of the Rouge River in southeastern Michigan was prepared by the Rouge River National Wet Weather Demonstration Project (NWWDP) under the guidance of the Subwatershed Advisory Group (SWAG) (NWWDP, 1997). The management study outlined several goals to help public agencies in developing appropriate management practices. One of the goals was to restore impaired beneficial uses of the river by reducing pollutant loadings in stormwater. The SWAG recommended stormwater management activities that reduce or eliminate pollutants at their source such as leaf collection, catchbasin cleaning, and street sweeping which should be routinely conducted. In support of these recommendations, the City of Livonia, Michigan led an effort to evaluate a variety of maintenance and cleaning practices for catchbasins for a portion of a tributary within the subwatershed with financial support of the Rouge River National Wet Weather Demonstration Project.
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