A Tiered Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling System to Satisfy Multiple Objectives in Complex Sewershed Applications
A hydrologic and hydraulic modeling system was developed in two stages, or tiers, for use in large-scale, comprehensive planning studies for watersheds and sewersheds in complex combined and separate sewered systems. The initial suite of models is based upon a detailed representation of important hydraulic elements, for instance combined sewer overflow and sanitary sewer overflow regulator and interceptor hydraulics, and a simplified representation of watershed and sewershed hydrology. The evolved and refined suite of models, the second tier, relies upon a more complete detailed representation of hydraulic elements and a more detailed representation of basin hydrology. The principal purpose for taking this incremental or evolutionary approach to model development is to satisfy changing needs of large-scale planning projects during the entire the project period, not just at the end. This approach provides opportunities to make model-based evaluation capabilities available "just-in-time" to address project needs for interim outputs and to answer questions as they arise throughout the life of the project.
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