Dynamic Modeling of Real-Time Control of Combined Sewer Systems with Radial Gates and Siphon Weirs
New code developed for radial gates and siphon-weirs is suitable for handling unsteady flow conditions occurring in real sewer systems. RGEXTRAN is described in two other chapters in this book (James and Young, 200 1 a, b) and includes all features of EXTRAN, which simulates branched or looped systems, backwater effects, surcharge, flow reversal and flow transfers by orifices, weirs and pumps. RGEXTRAN makes provision for dynamic control of radial gates (or other gate types) based on flow conditions at remote locations in the sewer system. This allows the model to be used for optimizing a combined sewer system operation by fully utilizing all available storage and conveyance capacity in the existing facilities. The dynamic radial gate code may also be used for analyzing system optimization in a real-time mode. The program is applied to the combined sewer system in Vancouver, British Columbia. Verification tests demonstrated that the new program accurately represents the operation and hydraulics of the dynamic radial gates and siphon-weirs found in the system.
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