An ArcView GIS tool for SWMM
An ArcView GIS (geographic information system) interface has been created for viewing and facilitating development of USEPA SWMM RUNOFF and EXTRAN models. The interface is a group of Avenue scripts that allow users to visualize a SWMM model in conjunction with existing GIS data. (Avenue is a programming language bundled with ArcView.) The rationale for using Avenue/ArcView as a platform for a SWMM GIS tool has been previously presented by Shamsi (1998). The scripts have been published as freeware, allowing easy access for other SWMM modelers and offering users the opportunity to make their own enhancements, similar to the communal efforts that have characterized SWMM advancements over the years. The scripts permit viewing of model input and output summary data within ArcView, allowing modelers to exploit GIS tools for analyzing model configurations and output. They do not substitute for existing commercial software interfaces for SWMM, as they do not permit viewing of conduit profiles, dynamic display of results, or editing of input data. ArcView's strengths do not lie in display of three-dimensional or dynamic data, so it would be cumbersome to develop such tools within ArcView.
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