A Methodology to Design and/or Assess Baffles for Floatables Control
This chapter describes an analytical framework for the design and/or analysis of baffles to reduce floatables discharges from combined-sewer overflows (CSOs). This simple analytical framework, which is supported with a spreadsheet model, is compared to its predecessors and its advantages illustrated. These include ease of use, improved applicability to typical installation configurations, and refined analyses of floatables-removal mechanisms. Refined analyses include a simple accounting for flow path through a chamber - including a provision for situations where the invert of the inlet conduit is at a higher elevation than the bottom of the baffle - and a simple accounting for floatables capture via the underflow (dry-weather connection) during overflow conditions. Results of the model are compared to the results of the previous approaches and to available laboratory test data for four test cases. Examples of the model application to cases in the City of New York are available from the author. Finally, possible areas for future improvement in the model approach are identified.
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