An Error-Control Decision Support System for SWMM.
The current version (4.3) of the error-control decision support system, PCSWMM, was developed by the authors for the Microsoft Windows environment, and released in October, 1994. PCSWMM functions as a shell for the US EPA's stormwater management model, SWMM. It simplifies the running of SWMM: provides error-free file management; color plotting of event or continuous SWMM output; sensitivity, calibration and error analysis tools; and field data management. Thus PCSWMM reduces the probability of user error by simplifying normal modelling procedures. This chapter describes the error control features of PCSWMM, especially file management; sensitivity, calibration and error analysis (SCEA) approach; and discusses the future of the program as a base for in-house and third-party SWMM enhancements.
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