Database Management Model for SCADA Systems.
Water quality and hydrologic/hydraulic monitoring historically has been accomplished through manual techniques and recently with standalone computerized dataloggers. Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems are currently being used with graphic software packages to retrieve data from computerized meters and samplers, display the information in real-time, and log the data to disk. However, most of these packages do not come standard with a historical database that can be used to store all incoming information at intervals typically needed to access water quality and/or hydrologic impacts. This chapter presents an information model which uses a relational database to store all historical data from a SCADA system necessary to complete a water quality monitoring program. An example of a water quality monitoring and control system that is to be installed at a Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) control facility in a large municipality is presented. The database model, as it is applicable to several other monitoring scenarios, is also presented.
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