Urban Runoff Control Costs at Ontario RAP Sites.

The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement between Canada and the United States was established in 1978 with the objective of restoring water quality in areas where impairment of water uses was found. Forty-three Areas of Concern have been identified, of which seventeen are located in the province of Ontario. Remedial Action Plans (RAP) are currently being developed to investigate and address water quality impairment at each of these sites. In support of the RAP Program, and through the Great Lakes Cleanup Fund, Environment Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy have initiated several studies to determine planning level costs for the control of wet weather (or non-point source) discharges. A recent study presented cost estimates for the control of combined sewer overflows in Ontario RAP municipalities (CH2M HILL estimates, 1992). Some preliminary cost estimates were also carried out for the control of stormwater runoff by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment in 1992 (Ontario MOE, 1992). However, these preliminary cost estimates were not carried out for all sites. As well, factors which could influence the control cost, such as removal efficiencies, land costs, and cost optimization, were not considered. A follow-up study for stormwater runoff control was therefore recommended by Environment Canada and the Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy to cover all of Ontario's seventeen RAP sites in detail. This chapter presents the findings of this study.
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